Refrigeration Relocation: Lowe Rental's Solution Empowers Walmart Neighborhood Market's Deli Expansion Journey

Retail Retailer Store Remodel -
1 Minute Read
26 June 2023
Refrigeration Relocation: Lowe Rental's Solution Empowers Walmart Neighborhood Market's Deli Expansion Journey
Walmart Neighborhood Market embarked on an expansion journey which included the addition of a full-service deli, which required the relocation of the store's current refrigeration system. To tackle this challenge head-on, Lowe Rental supplied a practical solution. By supplying 26 G8 units, we offered Walmart the flexibility and adaptability needed to relocate the refrigeration units as the project unfolded through its various phases. We take immense pride in our role as contributors to the successful execution of this project and in supporting the growth of Walmart Neighborhood Market.